Diversity Commitment

The Department of Atmospheric Sciences is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion.   We recognize that challenges lie ahead to enact progress in these areas.  To this end, our faculty-created Department Strategic Plan seeks to “foster the value of a diverse and inclusive academic department by increasing underrepresented groups within our student body and faculty.”  Our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, formed in 2020, is charged with continually monitoring our policies to address issues of equity and inclusiveness. 

We endorse statements by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences https://las.illinois.edu/academics/inclusivity, the University Senate Resolution on Campus Diversity https://diversity.illinois.edu/about/senate-diversity-resolution/, and the Chancellor’s Call to Action on ending racism and social injustice on campus https://diversity.illinois.edu/2020/07/27/call-to-address-racism-social-injustice/, and recognize that our institution exists on Native Lands https://chancellor.illinois.edu/land_acknowledgement.html