Undergraduate Research

AMS Student Conference

At the University of Illinois, our undergraduate students have the opportunity to work on a research project with a faculty mentor. Many of our students fulfill advanced credit hours by enrolling in our capstone research course (ATMS 492). Students gain experience with learning and using coding languages, such as Python, as well as technical writing and presentation skills.

Every year, the undergraduate student organization (SCAMS) organizes a trip to the American Meteorological Society Student Conference, which offers the students a chance to present their research to peers, academic professionals, and scientists in the field. Many students present at the student conference, and some go on to present their work at the full conference.

The department also hosts an annual conference here at the University of Illinois. The Midwest Student Conference on Atmospheric Research (MSCAR) provides an opportunity for all students to present their work with an oral presentation or a poster. Students gain experience presenting, learn more about the field, interact with key leaders in the field, and participate in interactive workshop sessions.